Animation Hall of Funny

There has been a lot of talk on the 3D Pro List about Client Commentaries and just internal comments while working on shows that make you giggle. As funny as some of these comments are, many of them actually make sense! And many of them, well...don't.

Our book has a section in the back called the Animation Hall of Funny. We decided to post the Animation Hall of Funny here so you can see some of the fun extras that are in the back of Thinking Animation: Bridging the Gap Between 2D and CG.

Animation Hall of Funny

The director/supervisor takes you aside because he has some very important art direction for your scene, and he says...

(and yes, these are real comments, we could not make this stuff up)

"Make the shot less salamandar-y."

"I need you to sharpen it, then smooth it."
"Can you make it 10 percent cooler?"
"Could you rotate that hoof just three degrees?"
"It needs to be 10% less funny.""Show me the funny!"

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"We need no descriptive sense of foreboding."

"I need it to be less animation-y."
"Are we worried about production or are we worried about making a movie?"

"You have to take about 85 percent of the energy out of the scene.
" Response: "Um...yes, but that energy is in the dialogue."
"Well, if it’s in the dialogue, then you don't need it in the character."

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"Make it more blue, because blue is more mysterious."

"You're going to add lip sync to that, aren't you?"
"Okay...well, that doesn't totally suck."
"Make it more Star Wars-y!"

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"I'm not sure what I want, but that's not it."

"I can't judge the animation on that; it's the wrong color."
"It should be more poom, poom, poom, not vroom, vroom, vroom."
"Don't think; just do what I say."

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"Fix it so that NASA won't laugh at us when they see it."

"Make the animation a bit more "eeeeek." You know, "eeeeek?"
"Can you give me more ERRRRRR!?"
"If you fix something long enough, you'll break it."

"I love the dynamics on the ears."
Response: "The dynamics have not been added yet, it was key framed."
"Oh...then I guess we have to change it."

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"There are too many keys on your curve. Delete some and get rid of the clutter."
"Can you shift that half a frame south?"
"Make it more flowery."
"Why do you keep moving the body? I just want him to raise his leg."
"I want it to sound like nothing going through nothing."

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"More lens flares. Lens flares make it look real."

"I know [the director] said this, but I was thinking…"
"I know you want it to look good, but I want it to look good and be approved."
"More of frame 35, less of frame 36; that will sell it!"
"Trust me; I know funny, and that frame is not making me laugh."

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"Take out one frame and it will work..."

To see more of this buy our book!