300 Titles

I do believe I am probably the only person in visual effects who has not see 300 yet, but Yuco seems to have done an amazing job with the titles...check them out here!

300 the movie titles

In an electrifying color palette of red, white and black, the main-on-end title sequence combines film story battle motifs with the visual style of the graphic novel, complimenting director Zack Snyder’s (Dawn of the Dead) stylized approach of mixing live action footage with virtual backgrounds.

“I look at title sequences as part of the movie, not just as a way to get people’s names up on the screen,” explains Snyder. “I want you to feel that in some way it’s the end of the film but at the same time also the birth of the film, not only where it came from but also where it’s going. yU+co was able to capture that perfectly.”

yU+co’s involvement with 300 began early on in the development stage before any film was even shot. “We were privileged to be part of the process from the very beginning when Zach and producer Mark Canton asked us to help depict the story in a visual presentation for a pitch to Warner Brothers,” Yu said.

Go Yuco! ~Angie