Been a Long Time, Shoulda Left You With A Dope Beat To Step To...

Revenge from lernert Engelberts on Vimeo.

I cannot believe it's been nearly 3 months since I last posted here. I started a new job at Image Metrics as Anim Sup for over 20 animators on over a dozen projects and there is just no time. I have gotten all of your emails and I will try to do better, but I used to post here when I was an animator playing the "hurry up and wait" game - while I waited on play blasts to finish. The reality is I come into work, get a cup of coffee and next thing I know ...I look down and it's 7 pm! Day is over! I will do my best to post some things on the weekends and spread out the postings through the month.

These Revenge Shorts just tickled me.

The anticipation is brutal.