Harlan Ellison -- Pay the Writer

It's not just writers in Hollywood who are trying to get paid...
this rant is really funny, unfortunately because it's so true.

In case you don't know who Harlan Ellison is...

This may be a stretch, but bear with my quick analogy
between working as a creative in today's market and
the recent economy slump.

Much like government creating the housing market situation and not regulating any of that problem, are we helping to create the demise of our own jobs?

Animation directors today are being TOLD they have to finish shots in 1/3rd the time. Bids they would have usually made for 4-5 days are now being made by the producers at 1 day. Animation Directors are being told this is your team...animators who just graduated school.

Budgets have been cut so severely that veterans do not have a place anymore in our workforce. How long can this continue in VFX and animation before the whole thing implodes?

Talk amongst yourselves.