How far Would You Go To Pursue Your Dreams?

My friend Zero quit his job in CG, terminated his lease, sold everything he couldn't fit into his truck... and is now traveling cross country - living his life, taking photos and writing about it!!!

He is accepting activity challenges along the way.

In his words...
 I will go to places that people suggest I visit, do things that people suggest I do, and meet people that want to be met. And I will connect with people around the country.
I posted a challenge for Zero on his forums to help me here at my loft in Los Angeles with a creative project for my paintings.  I suggest you challenge Zero to come to your house and help you clean your bathroom, tap a cold keg of beer or make dinner for your mother-in-law.  It's up to you!!!

What a wonderful idea!  Everyone should follow what their spirit is telling them to do with their life.  Otherwise, you are living skitzophrenic days on this planet doing what other people think you should be doing.  Does that sound like fun?