VFX Town Hall Brought to you by ARTISTS

No need for art posters or self promotion here.
Just a clean and simple website with artists speaking 
on the topics and questions that artists have.
The informality of the first 20 minutes has a charm to it

At least 40 minutes into it, they bring an actual facilities owner  
to answer the questions and discuss solutions.  
(just scrub ahead if you can to the good stuff)

He is informative and very honest.
He explains the difference between a trade org and a guild.
One of the best points the facilities rep makes 
is that a guild would create more security 
for people who are freelancing and bouncing from job to job
through a "monster benefits package" of residuals, 
pension, welfare and health insurance.
Important thing to fight for, in such a transient industry.

The funny thing is:  He says that his clients say
"You get paid when I get paid."
Well, that chatter has found itself all the way down the tree.
I have heard that more times than I haven't as an artist, since 2007.

Art by John Van Vliet


  Here is my Dream Panel (5 people):

VFX Biz Rep
Consultant on business in VFX with clients like 
20th Century Fox, Cinesite, ILM, etc.
(I have been on panels with Marty and he is great)

One Big 8 facilitites Rep Possibilities
Tim Sarnoff (Sony), 
Scott Ross (DD), 
Lynwen Brennan (ILM)

One Union Rep 
 Kevin Koch
Steve Huwlett
Tom Sito
James Parris
One Guild Rep
SAG President - Ken Howard

One Seasoned Artist
(who has experienced the issues going on right now)
Anyone working right now
I appreciate these guys dealing with the issues 
and not have a separate agenda.

They dealt with issues that artists are concerned with
and specifically spoke about solutions instead of blame.
Lots of talk of how and why to start a trade union.

However, It was frustrating listening to two guys ponder issues 
they, themselves have never experienced.
I cannot wait until an artist who has experienced the issues below...
participates in a panel.

  • not being paid at all
  • or being paid 3 months after finishing a gig
  • being required to be 1099 or accept a 30-day net pay schedule
  • working for no OT
  • working a 50 hour week for a flat day rate
  • the need to place a trashcan next to you on the desk when it rains
  • cannot find work anymore because it has all gone overseas
  • has been told "you get paid, when I am paid." (up to 60-90 days)

P.S.  I want to make one thing very clear...THIS IS NOT just an issue at big studios.  In fact, my experience the small studios are the biggest offenders.

P.S.S.  I agree Digital Artist Guild (D.A.G.) would be a better name, since it covers all artists who work digitally.