Volkswagen Frog Spot

The new Volkswagen: unusually powerful.


Agency: DDB, Berlin
Creative Director(s): Wolfgang Schneider
Art Director: above
Copywriter: above
Agency Producer: Marion Langer

Production Company: Outsider, London/ Marken films, Germany
Director: Henry Littlechild
DP: David Luther
EP: Toby Courlander
Producer: Ben Roberts

Editorial: Marken Films/Germany
Post/Effects: The Framestore/London
VFX Artist(s): Ben Cronin
Sound Design: Jungle Studio/London
Sound Designer: Cris Turner
Shoot Location: Hamburg, Germany

Some people were talking about this spot on the 3DPro list and Ben White from Framestore reported:

I didnt work on the commercial, but you might be suprised to hear that the water was done using a completely realtime system. When combined with the latest in frog actuation techniques that we've been developing the result was very convincing.

Yes, its a real frog in the closeup... in real water.

And No - it was not harmed in any way during the making of the commercial. They had a bit of food on some string that it bites onto, they just lifted him up with the food still in his mouth and he chose to keep hold of it - He could let go whenever he wanted .

Paint out the string, add CG tongue and fly and voila ! gets my vote for Best comedy performace by an amphibian by a mile
